During the month of December I went to a couple holiday dinners and get togethers with friends. Nothing too fancy, but excuse enough to get dressed up. I wanted to look nicer than normal (which means giving my skinny jeans a break), but because of the cold and the occasional snow fall I wanted to make sure I would be comfortable. So this is what I came up with!

Slightly cropped, blue slouched sweater with a large knit design. I love the color of this sweater too, it's not really Christmasy but it's very wintery so it could be worn any time during the cooler months. That kind of versatility within my closet is the ultimate goal. 

A smile? To be honest, I kept it pretty simple. I did wear some brass earrings that look a little like holly berries with red stones.

I believe this kind of skirt is referred to as a 'skater skirt' you can't tell from the photo but it's made from sweatshirt material and it's ribbed. Gosh! It's such a beauty. Also, I am rocking out some festive sparkly tights, cuz…holidays ✨

Low relaxed pony tail pulled this look together, gives it some structure, but I really wanted to still be more relaxed in general, so this hair-do was perfect. I did wear my hair down and a bit wavy on one occasion too, it looked a little more girly, at times that's a good thing.

I was really into a darker coral shade with this look or a nice matte red lip. Thanks to my birthday gift from Sephora, I was able to get a NARS lip pencil to use when I wanted to go red.

Speaking of Sephora, I got another free gift from their rewards program and I picked the scent Indigo by Nest, which is a nice dark but floral scent, so it transitions from day to night easily. It also came in a tiny roll on bottle. It's precious!

These healed boots from my October Uniform were perfect for walking outside, adding extra height and looking fly, which is kind of why I bought them in the first place! These babes are the best for winter.

My trusty satchel was still very used, even for parties. What can I say? It's looks good with everything!

How did you dress for the holiday season this year? Did any tips help you out or did you learn something that you'd like to try for the next party you attend? Do tell! :)